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Crunchy Data Newsletter

Why Postgres 13 is a Lucky Release - PostgreSQL 13 is not a "This is the FEATURE release" that we've had in previous years but rather improves upon many existing features based on real-world PostgreSQL experiences. Check out some of the features that makes this release very lucky.

Introducing the Postgres Prometheus Adapter -  If you’re already running PostgreSQL and using Prometheus to monitor it, why not just store that data in a Postgres database? To make it easier for anyone that wants to use Postgres as their backing store for Prometheus, we’re proud to announce the release of the PostgreSQL Prometheus Adapter.

Building a recommendation engine inside Postgres with Python and Pandas - Craig explores machine learning directly inside Postgres and writing his own recommendation engine. Follow along his experience and get a walkthrough of how to do it yourself.

Iterators in PostgreSQL with Lateral Joins - Have you ever been writing SQL and needed to iterate over each item in a result set and apply a function? You may think that you'll have to write a stored procedure but this post gives you an alternative by using lateral joins in Postgres. 

PostGIS and the Geography Type - The PostGIS "geography" type is a geospatial type that understands coordinates as spherical coordinates, in latitude and longitude. Paul Ramsey dives into the benefits of geography type and when you should use it. 

Preventing SQL Injection Attacks in Postgres - More and more frequently, customers are being given access to company databases, which can open it up to certain vulnerabilities. Learn some techniques on how to prevent SQL injections attacks and protect your data.

Getting Started with Postgres Functions in PL/Python - Python is one of many procedural languages (PLs) included in standard PostgreSQL distributions. In this post, we'll take a quick look at how to get started with using PL/Python to write Postgres functions.


Many of you are already users of our Crunchy Data PostgreSQL Operator. If you are, but haven't already starred it on GitHub we'd love it if you hop over there and give it a star. It helps us get it in front of others that can benefit from it the same way you have. Thanks! 

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