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Crunchy Data Newsletter

Virtual PostGIS Day 2020 is Nov. 19PostGIS Day is a way to celebrate our favorite spatial database, PostGIS! Crunchy Data is hosting a virtual event to talk about all the new ways to integrate maps, locations and spatial analysis into the wider world of technology using spatial SQL in the database. Register now and join us on Nov. 19.

How to Setup PostgreSQL Monitoring in KubernetesThe first in a series to get monitoring up and running. If you're managing databases, you'll need to be able to answer questions like  "Am I running out of disk?" or "Why does my application have degraded performance?" to be able to troubleshoot or mitigate problems before they occur.

Postgres Monitoring for Application Developers: The VitalsThe vital statistics for Postgres are primarily here to provide you direction on what to look at next: they may indicate that there is an aspect of the system for you to drill into, or that everything is operating normally. 

Postgres Monitoring for Application Developers: The DBA FundamentalsThese statistics provide an overall look at PostgreSQL database activity and can help you spot problems with performance and availability and provide early warnings before bad things start to happen.

Postgres Monitoring for Application Developers: Alerts & Troubleshooting -  A properly set up alerting system will let you know if you are on the verge of a major issue so you can head it off at the pass (and alerts should also let you know that there is a major issue).

Tuning Your Postgres Database for High Write Loads - What happens when a database has not been properly tuned for a high write load, what this means, some possible causes for this error, and some relatively simple ways to resolve the issue. 

Online Upgrades in PostgresIn some instances zero downtime may be essential for doing a major upgrade. This method is called an "online upgrade" and can be achieved through logical replication

Using Postgres to Shape and Prepare Scientific Data - A walk through some of the preliminary data shaping steps in data science using SQL in Postgres. Steve Pousty models fire probability in Northern California based on weather data and shows how to use SQL to do data shaping and preparation.

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