The newest version of PgBouncer lets you run prepared statements while using a connection pooler. Greg breaks down the performance gains of prepared statements, why they have traditionally been a challenge, and this new feature.
We are excited about some of the Active Record updates with Rails 7.1! Chris reviews some of the notable new features for working with Postgres including async queries, composite primary keys and native support for CTEs.
David has some tricks and sample code for using CTEs to manipulate data and move things around inside your database. This can be especially handy for sorting, moving, or labeling data and moving it to an archive.
Thinking about using pgvector to power some AI data in your Rails app? Chris walks through the very handy Neighbor gem and how it helps for vector data types and ActiveRecord.
Greg continues to amaze us with solutions to the 2022 Advent of Code, this is day 20. Using only PostgreSQL he decrypts data, gets it sequenced, and gets back on his journey to meet up with the elves.