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Active-Active PostgreSQL Federation on Kubernetes - Want to create an out-of-the-box active-active, federated PostgreSQL cluster on Kubernetes? Learn how to set up a three primary node federated Postgres cluster that avoids conflicts using the Crunchy Postgres Operator and Kubernetes.

API Management: Scalable, Hybrid, and Multicloud Use Cases Anywhere - IBM chose Crunchy Data as its Postgres database partner and its Kubernetes platform to deliver a cloud-native and containerized solution. 

PostgreSQL 13 Benchmark: Memory Speed vs. TPSWhy more benchmarks? The industry around PC gaming has countless performance tests at the micro and macro level. Greg Smith shows how to take useful metrics and test approaches from PC benchmarking and apply them even to Postgres.

PostGIS Raster and Crunchy Bridge - The PostGIS raster extension has a steep learning curve, but it opens up some unique possibilities for data analysis and accessing non-standard data from within PostgreSQL. Here's an example that shows how to access raster data from PostGIS running on Crunchy Bridge.

Loading Data into PostGIS: An overview - There are a lot of ways to load data into a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database and it's no different with spatial data. If you're new to PostGIS, you've come to the right place. In this blog post, we outline a few open source tools you can use for your spatial data import needs. 

Postgres, PL/Python and SciPy/NumPy for Processing Images - A recent post detailed building a Django app that stores uploaded image files using the PostgreSQL bytea data type. For the second post in this series, we're now going to take a look at applying a blur filter to the uploaded image using PL/Python. 

Waiting for PostGIS 3.1: GEOS 3.9 - Paul Ramsey gives an overview of the new functions you can find in the GEOS 3.9 release, one of the specialized geospatial libraries that makes up PostGIS. 

Using Pl/pgSQL to Calculate New Postgres Columns - Building on a previous blog post on Using Postgres for Statistics, learn how and why you should use Pl/pgSQL to alter tables versus doing editor work.

Replacing Lines of Code with 2 Little Regex in PostgresA thorough demonstration of the power and ease of using regular expressions in Postgres. Whether you're familiar with regex or not, this post provides an interesting use case and educational resources.

Postgres Views with Django: A Quick Demo - Now that we have a PL/Python function, what do we do with it? The function lives in PostgreSQL, so we'll review how to call the function from Django. Read more to learn how. 

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