
PostGIS Day 2022

Event Summary

short summary of the 2022 event is published on the Crunchy Data Blog.

Presentations & Links to Videos


Full playlist


How to Prepare a Graph for pgRouting

Vicky Vergara, GeoRepublic

GiST Index Building in PostgreSQL 15

Aliaksandr Kalenik, Kontur

Property Data Management with PostGIS, PostgreSQL, QGIS and QField

Victor Idakwo, De-Vicks Geospatial

PostGIS for Conservation Planning and Supply Chain Impact Analysis: Case Studies from Marxan Cloud and LandGriffon

Simple and Fast OGC API Servers for PostGIS with TiFeatures and TiMVT

Vincent Sarago, DevelopmentSeed

Building an Asset Inventory Database Using PostGIS: The Case of Giswater

Xavier Torret, BGEO OPEN GIS

Kart: A Practical Tool for Versioning Geospatial Data

Robert Coup, Koordinates

Build Beautiful Isochrone Maps Using PostGIS and QGIS

Samweli Mwakisambwe

Building a Telecommunications Design System with QGIS and PostGIS

Justin Chang, MOBIA Technology Innovations

PostGIS and QGIS in an Enterprise Environment: A Telecom Design Case Study

Cliff Patterson, Luna Geospatial & Dane Wilson, DFX Technical Services

Managing and Joining Multiple Geospatial Layers

Chris Wade, National Flood Insurance Program

Once upon a database... Telling stories with PostGIS and QGIS

Bonny Mcclain

A Tour of the PostGIS Extended Family of Extensions

Regina Obe, Paragon Corporation 

Speedrunning the Open Street Map osm2pgsql Loader

Greg Smith, Crunchy Data 

Serving STAC Metadata with PostgreSQL using PgSTAC

David Bitner, Development Seed

Route the Interesting Things (Not Just Roads!) with OpenStreetMap

Ryan Lambert, RustProof Labs

How the USDA is Putting PostGIS to Work in the Dynamic Soils Hub

Jason Nemecek, USDA


Skating to Where The Puck Is Going To Be: Why SQL is the Future of Full-Stack Analytics

Brian Timoney, The Timoney Group

Triangles, Hulls, and Coverages: New and Planned Functions for Processing Polygons in PostGIS

Martin Davis, Crunchy Data

From ETL to ELT: Transforming Geospatial Data Processing with PostGIS and dbt

Zachary Deziel, Anagraph

Making Production Vector Tiles Simple with db2vector

Brendan Farrell, Clockwork Micro

Building Dynamic Data Flows with Koop and PostGIS

Dan O'Neill

Web Sockets and Real-Time Updates for Postgres with pg_eventserv

Paul Ramsey, Crunchy Data


What is PostGIS Day?

PostGIS Day is part of Geography Awareness Week and serves to highlight the features and uses of the PostGIS spatial database as a part of the GIS ecosystem. PostGIS Day is observed the day after GIS Day, for obvious reasons.

Spatial data is everywhere these days, and PostGIS is frequently used to manage that data. Logistics, precision agriculture, insurance, risk analysis and many more industries can or are working with spatial data.

PostGIS Day is a chance to learn how others are making use of PostGIS, pick up some tips and tricks, and share our stories about bringing this excellent tool into your organizations.


Need More PostGIS now?

Crunchy Data PostGIS Blogs

PostGIS Day Videos 2021 

PostGIS Day Videos 2020

PostGIS Day Videos 2019